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About Us

Parish History

As a parish of the Marthoma Church in North America, we are a Community of Worship, Fellowship and Witnesss. The roots of the Mar Thoma Church in Philadelphia go back to early 1960’s. During this period many Marthomites emigrated here for their higher education. At the same time, a small group of people gathered together for worship beyond their denominational differences. Several Malayalee priests who were studying in New York and Princeton Theological Seminary helped to conduct worship services during that period.
The growing population of Malayalee community in and around Philadelphia desired to have their own church and worship services. This desire led to the first Mar Thoma Church of Philadelphia in 1976. Over time, memberships in the Church continued to increase, that a group of 63 families in the church felt the need of a new congregation. Upon their signed request, Most Rev. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan issued a Kalpana on July 6th 1987 resulting in the formation a new Church named Bethel Mar Thoma church, which was established on Thursday July 16th 1987. The inaugural meeting was held on Wednesday July 22nd 1987 at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan led the inaugural worship service. On November 28, 1988 the Church was incorporated as a non-profit religious organization under the constitution of the Mar Thoma Church, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
In 1987 the general body elected a church building committee to raise enough funds and search for a suitable place of worship of its own. On Friday, September 06, 1991, we purchased the present place of worship at a price of $355,000. The timely involvement and action of many individuals made this dream a reality.
The newly acquired church building was dedicated on Saturday, September 21, 1991. Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilose Episcopa conducted the dedication service. Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilose Episcopa conducted the first Holy Communion service at this church on Sunday, September 22, 1991.
The first vicar of the Bethel Marthoma Church was Rev. M.C. George followed by Rev. Euyakim I. Coorilose (Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilose Episcopa), Rev. Joseph Ayrookuzhi, Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mathew, Rev. M. Varghese, Rev. Varghese Thomas, Rev. Sajan Varghese, Rev. Thomas George (Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos), Rev. Alexander M. Isaac.
Rev. K.E. Easow served as the first full time resident vicar of the Church followed by Rev. Varghese M. Easow, Rev. P.K. Zachariah, Rev. Saji Joseph (assosciate), Rev. John Mathai, Rev. Suseil Verghese, Rev. George M. Kuruvilla, Rev. Alexander Varghese, Rev. Giju John and Rev. Saju Chacko.

Mission Statement

Marthoma Church St. Thomas, the Apostle of Jesus Christ is believed to have landed in AD 52 in Cranganore near Cochin, which was at that time an important seaport on the Malabar Coast, having trade connections with the Middle East in those days. F.E. Keay in his book, A History of the Syrian Church in India has established, from the mention in the book of Kings, of the articles brought to the court of King Solomon from India, that even before the time of Christ, there was trade between the Malabar Coast and Palestine in spices and luxury articles like ivory. Therefore, it was quite natural for Thomas to come to India with the Gospel as the disciples went to different parts of the world in accordance with the commission given to them by Jesus Christ.

Marthoma Church established following goals and functions to be enacted upon:
- To be the repository of the divine doctrines revealed by Jesus Christ and proclaimed by his apostles.
- To maintain these doctrines in their purity.
- To promote the spiritual life of its members through the administration of sacraments and the ministry of the WORD.
- To make disciples of all nations by the proclamation of the Gospel to all the world, and through the administration of Holy Baptismin the name of the Triune God.

Service Times

Services in English/Malayalam

Sunday Morning: 10 am

Fasting Prayer

Friday Morning: 9:30 am


P: (215) 725-9774
F: (215) 725-6426
E-mail: revsajuchacko@gmail.com contact@bethelmtc.com